Archived Blog Articles
This past weekend my wife and I went Christmas tree shopping. Well, it was more like going on a Christmas tree hunt. You see, we drove nearly two hours to a northern Wisconsin tree farm and cut down our own tree. The trees in the fields were massive, but in the end we found the perfect Fraser Fir!
However, as I worked up a sweat cutting down the massive pine, it occurred to me; this tree had taken years to grow. The farmers had fertilized it, water it and provided great care over the years and in one five-minute saw job, it was knocked to the ground and removed.
The same can happen with our words. You can have a brother, sister or friend who has been nurtured and cared for by those around them (parents, grand parents, etc) and in one season someone can come in and completely knock them down and destroy their spirits with hurtful words. Remember, it is always easier to pull someone down than it is to lift them up. Use your words wisely!
This holiday season why don't you determine that you are going to lift others up with an encouraging word rather than yell timber and cut them down!
Merry Christmas to you all!