Children's Ministry Overview
Dan's presentations are exciting and biblically sound. His programs are designed to impact students with the word of God in such a way that they will think, speak and behave differently when they leave than when they entered. The relevant teaching techniques Dan uses make it FUN and easy for children to understand what it truly means to be a follower of Christ!
Witness students cheering and encouraging each other one minute and absolutely quiet and reverent before the Lord the next as God's word is taught. Dan's desire is for all children to know biblical principles and apply them to their everyday lives so that by doing so, God is glorified in all things and Christ is exalted above all things.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Dan can speak the entire length of the VBS or as a special guest for the opening or closing nights! Through his ability and skill with a basketball, Dan is able to capture and captivate the attention of the students before the emphasis of God's word is taught for spiritual growth and personal development. Have your own curriculum? No problem. Dan can take your curriculum, build messages around your theme or he can create a series of messages that will help equip and train your students by tailoring the curriculum to his own theme.
CAMP / CRUSADE: This powerful outreach method is geared for one, three or 5-day settings. Depending on the nature and objective of the camp, Dan's focus lies on teaching kids the importance of understanding, memorizing and applying God's word in their lives. Dan treats the week like a sports camp so he will incorporate FUN, team spirit and unity, cooperation and competition into all of his teaching sessions. Most camps or crusades have elements and times for recreation and gamesmanship before and after Dan speaks so that the Word of God can be the main thing.
WE LOVE KIDS BANQUETS: These events are strategically designed to help children see and experience first-hand how valuable and significant they are not only to God but also in the eyes of the church family. While the adults serve the students from the time they enter until the time they leave, Dan's message will be the focal point as he challenges the students to live a life of purpose. Using God's word, Dan will show the kids exactly what a life of purpose means and how it applies to their 21st century world!
CHILDRENS CHURCH: Because many of these services are smaller in size and more intimate in nature, Dan tries to maximize the moment by teaching and equipping the students how to honor God in their homes by being obedient to their parents. He will also help each student recognize what their God-given talents and abilities are and show them how to share their faith in Christ with others!
OTHER: We recognize there are numerous avenues for ministry and outreach ideas that exist. If you would like Dan to speak at an upcoming event not mentioned above, please complete the Speaking Request Form and we will contact you right away!